Terms and Conditions
T&Cs Overview
Here at FitQueen we are committed to providing you with the highest level of service we can. At all times we aim to be supportive and transparent. It is therefore important to us that you are completely clear on the investment you are making before you make your purchase.
We would love to invite you onto a call to discuss your needs with one of our team but before we do that we thought it would be helpful for you to see our terms all in one place.
If you have any questions, please discuss them with the team on your initial call. We can’t wait to welcome you into the FitQueen community and to support you as you reach your goals.
Team FitQueen
When you work with us this is what you can expect from us, and what we expect from you in return:
FitQueen is the trading name for EDL Coaching Limited and that whilst services are provided through the FitQueen brand the contract will be made between you and EDL Coaching Limited.
The length of our coaching programmes vary dependent on where you are in your fitness journey and your specific goals. All of our packages are bespoke and when we speak with you we will discuss the most appropriate option for you that will support you to reach your goals and which fits in with your lifestyle.
You’ll receive bespoke care and support from our team of qualified individuals who are trained in providing fitness, nutritional support and hormonal analysis services. We’ve helped hundreds of women from across the world to improve their health and wellbeing obtaining improvements in their strength and mobility alongside weight loss.
Our focus is not quick fixes. We don’t do juice diets or five day detoxes. If that’s what you’re looking for we’re afraid you’re in the wrong place. We work with our clients to create sustainable long-term change to allow them to become fitter, stronger and more confident around food, in particular managing food when socialising.
Whilst we have a lot of success stories to share and a community of inspiring clients, we are really clear that we cannot guarantee results. Every person we work with is treated as an individual and we offer no guarantees for any of our packages. The effectiveness of what we do is dependent on your compliance with the methodologies we recommend and your implementation of the programme with our support.
Your coach will deliver their coaching virtually outside of the specific training sessions so you will be required to complete your training sessions yourself. Your coach will discuss with you what access you have to equipment (if any), you won’t need to be a member of a gym but if you are the costs associated with that will be additional and for you to arrange yourself. We will also need you to be as open and transparent with us as possible so that we can provide advice and make adjustments where necessary so that you can get the best results.
When you sign up to work with us you’ll be assigned your own coach who will be personally responsible for supporting you. As soon as you’ve joined us, they will start work right away to build out your custom programme. Across your time with us, you will also be supported by other coaches and specialists. You’ll get the chance to join virtual trainings and Q&As from industry experts across a range of health and wellbeing topics. It may be the case that throughout the time that we are working together that your assigned coach goes on annual leave, sick leave or possibly leaves the business, please rest assured that we are a close knit team and you will always have a named individual who is responsible for supporting you.
As you are entering into an agreement to receive a bespoke coaching programme, this does impact your refund rights. You have two options: i) I can make my purchase and then wait for 14 days from your purchase before the FitQueen team start to create your bespoke programme OR ii) I can make my purchase and instruct the FitQueen team to start working on my bespoke programme right away. If I choose option ii) and proceed to get your bespoke programme built right away and you then change your mind for any reason you will not be able to cancel the contract and request a refund.
The fee for your programme will depend on exactly how much support you need. Just like our programmes, our approach to payments are tailored too. You can pay all of the fees in one go or make a payment every month.
If you choose to pay monthly you will be given a payment date and your payments will need to be made by the same date each month. Please do ensure that you have the funds in place so that the payments can be taken. If you have any problems or need to change your payment details then get in touch with us before the payment is due to come out and we can support you.
All of our programmes have a minimum term and you can select the duration that works best for you. The payment plans are an opportunity to spread the cost over the duration of the contract. Please be aware that even if you decide not to continue with the programme you will still owe the whole amount of the fees for the programme, even if you are paying by installment.
Before you start any new fitness regime you should consult your doctor. You must also ensure that you complete our onboarding questionnaire carefully and transparently so that we have all relevant and necessary health information to properly support you.
It is important that you are aware that if at any point you experience chest pain whilst exercising, you should stop immediately and seek urgent medical assistance. Under no circumstances should you ever delay in obtaining medical advice due to any information or guidance provided by your coach or as a result of anything within our training resources.
If you tag FitQueen on social media, we will take your tag as you providing us with consent to share your content. If you do not wish for us to do this then you must tell us in writing and we will of course not do so, your privacy is important to us. Unless you tell us otherwise, your consent to us using content that you tag us or mention us in, means that you are providing consent to FitQueen to use any images or wording in our marketing, education videos and/or course and informational videos (including applying edits for the creation of such assets) which may be used and shared online/on the Internet, downloaded and stored and that no geographical or time restrictions are placed on the use of such material.
Finally, the FitQueen team are available to support you to reach my goals. If you have any questions or queries you should not hesitate to contact the coach who will be assigned to you who will be best placed to assist you in the first instance.