Is FitQueen Coaching the right fit for you?

This is not a one size fits all, low calorie diet... instead we focus on the two most important determinant for change...

Your hormones and the ability to build a weight loss solution which is fully personalised to you.

Here is how we will create your mind and body transformation together:

  • Your Own Coach Dedicated To You - so you can be fully supported privately whilst focussing on your needs and nobody else’s.
  • 90 minute Hormone and Lifestyle Analysis Session - we'll use this time to explore your hormonal status, symptoms and lifestyle so we can identify the area's we need to focus on to support your body through a successful weight loss journey.
  • Bespoke Nutritional Blueprint - You'll receive your own nutritional structure which has been built from scratch bespoke to your body and hormones made up of foods you like whilst making sure it's family friendly and inclusive of your social life.
  • Personalised Workout Plan For Your Hormonal Status - We'll study your time availability, exercise location preferences (home/gym) to then create you your own workout regime. Your workouts will be built to fit into your life whilst including the right types of movement and intensity supportive to your hormone function and composition goal.
  • Weekly Private Reviews - Every 7 days we will analyse how your body is responding and make the necessary changes to your plans to make sure you are continuing to see progress and not hitting a plateau.
  • Daily Accountability Messages From Your 1:1 Coach - we are on the end of the phone to you daily so you never have to feel stuck or alone. We will be in place to help you overcome sabotaging behaviours whilst teaching you how to navigate weight loss alongside your busy life.
  • Supplement Guidance & Blood Work Recommendations - If applicable, guidance on supplements to support your hormonal health and recommendations on blood work to request from your GP.* Please note - supplements and blood work are not a necessity and will only be advised on if suitable.
  • Weekly 60 Minute Webinars With Our Experts - you'll be guided through weekly recorded sessions from our sleep coach, gut health specialist, psychologist and hypnosis practitioner so you can learn how to optimise every area of your holistic health.
  • Education To Sustain - this experience is in place to teach you how to achieve and sustain your results long term. We will show you how to navigate 'life'... (Christmas, Holidays, Easter, Busy Work Periods) whilst still remaining accountable to your healthier identify so you never have to fear losing control of your weight again.

Next steps... To see if we can help you click below to schedule your complimentary consultation call

Please take 2-3 minutes when booking your call to complete the application questions in detail so we can gain an in-depth understanding of your situation to see how best we can help you.