Do you want to know the real reasons why 92% of women fail "diets" ?

Even those close to us like to tell us "It's all a matter of mindset" or "It's just a case of calories in Vs calories out".

But you know it isn't, right?

Modern dieting culture is set up to make you fail. Because it doesn't address the ROOT PROBLEM... Your relationship with food.

Join this FREE workshop to learn how to break free from the grip of emotional eating, once & for all...

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Find Out More

What you will learn from this FREE seminar...

  • Why your emotions are able to hijack your mind
  • How you're lead to make poor decisions around food
  • What the warning signs are & HOW to recognise them
  • The steps you need to take to break free of the control
  • The secrets to effortless weight loss

Real women achieving real results...

Yes! Sign up for my FREE workshop, Now!

What you will learn from this FREE seminar...

  • Why your emotions are able to hijack your mind
  • How you're lead to make poor decisions around food
  • What the warning signs are & HOW to recognise them
  • The steps you need to take to break free of the control
  • The secrets to effortless weight loss

Real women achieving real results...

Who is Emily de Luzy?

Founder Of FitQueen & Expert In Hormones

"Hi, I’m Emily...
I’m addicted to my career, fulfilling my purpose & building a better life for my family.

But it comes at a cost. It lead me at times to neglect my body’s needs, push myself to the brink of burnout & ignore my health challenges.

Back in 2015 I was diagnosed with PCOS and hypothyroidism and because of this I was 80lbs overweight, addicted to food & at war with my body image. At an attempt to solve my weight problem I tried all of “in fashion' diets at the time - low-carb, keto, weight watchers - the list goes on.

I would starve myself, be consumed by work, only to crash & then overeat. I'd restrict foods I enjoyed, only to binge on them later. No matter how well my professional life was going, the reflection in the mirror was still the same hurt, lost individual I grew up with.

I couldn’t take anymore failure. To constantly be told “just eat less & move more” by people who had never been overweight, never suffered from hormonal problems or had a broken relationship with food. So I used my addiction to my advantage - to throw myself in to finding the way.

After immersing myself into the study of hormones, investing in experts in nutrition, psychology & medicine, I lost the 80lbs, balanced my hormones & discovered the how to achieve the relationship with food that I always desired.

And it sparked a passion to help women all over the world. To bring them into our family, help them reconnect with their body’s, their relationship with food & to show them that they can lead the lives they want, whilst achieving their health & wellness goals.

Join me on this workshop and let's together release the grip food has over you"